BioRegion Freiburg – a strong partner within the tri-national Life Sciences network BioValley since 20 years

BioRegion Freiburg | BioValley

BioRegion Freiburg is an attractive and dynamic economic region in the heart of Europe, situated in the border triangle of Germany, France, and Switzerland, which is characterized by a colorful landscape of top tier companies and research institutions. It is one of five BioRegions in the state of Baden-Württmemberg and one of 31 BioRegions in Germany that have established themselves since the BioRegio competition of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 1996.

Together with regional stakeholders in Germany, BioRegion Freiburg is a strong partner within the tri-national network BioValley, which combines the potential of the centers of Freiburg, Basel, and Strasbourg in the fields of biotechnology and life sciences and is internationally known and respected as a successful, cross-border Life Sciences Cluster.

The tri-national BioValley in Numbers

  • 50,000 employees
  • over 600 companies in the field of life sciences
  • among them 350 pharmaceutical/biotech and 250 medtech companies
  • 40% of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies
  • 10 universities, colleges, and academic research institutes
  • 14 life sciences parks and incubators

Excellent Education, Research, and Innovation

The regional and cross-border network structures of BioRegion Freiburg | BioValley in the areas of education, research, and innovation form an excellent foundation for further developing the tri-national Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine as a European region of knowledge and innovation.

The resulting cross-border European campus of the five Upper Rhine universities – with a total of 15,000 researchers, 11,000 graduate students, and 115,000 students – serves as the hub of the European science and research area in the Upper Rhine.

Three Ways to Pursue a Career in Biotech & Life Sciences –
BioRegion Freiburg is home to a wide range of schools, vocational colleges, and universities


Degrees in the relevant fields can be obtained at the University of Freiburg, the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, and the Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences. An especially attractive option is a three-year, tri-national degree in biotechnology that has been jointly supervised by the universities in Freiburg, Basel, and Strasbourg – École Supérieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg | ESBS – since 1989.

Biotechnology Secondary Schools

Students in BioRegion Freiburg can begin to learn more about the fields of biotechnology and life sciences as early as secondary school. At the biotechnological high schools, for example, students can expect to find topics relating to the world of biotechnology on the syllabus. Graduates of this form of the vocational high school are prepared for vocational training and studies in the innovative environment of biotechnology.

Vocational Colleges for Biological Technical Assistants

Those who desire to work in the field of biotechnology but don’t wish to study at a university can complete a two-year training program at vocational colleges in Freiburg, Offenburg, and Waldshut to become a state-certified technical assistant in biotechnology.

Launch Pads for Biotech Companies –
With BioTechPark Freiburg and Innovation Center Lörrach, the BioRegion Freiburg has two powerful partners

BioTechPark Freiburg

Located in the industrial district Freiburg-Nord, BioTechPark Freiburg is an ideal location for young and established companies in the life sciences field, especially those specializing in biotechnology, pharmacy, medicine | medical technology – so-called "BioMed", as well as related fields such as microsystems technology. With close ties to the University of Freiburg and University Hospital, this incubator with around 5.000 sq.m of office and laboratory space in various sizes forms the heart of BioRegion Freiburg. Situated at the same location is the Innovation Center Freiburg-Nord, which offers an additional 25,000 sq.m for established businesses under one roof.

Contact & Management
Technology Foundation BioMed Freiburg
Rathausgasse 33
79098 Freiburg

Board of Management:
Hanna Böhme
Dr. Michael Richter (Deputy)

Tel.: +49 761 3881 1201
Fax: +49 761 3881 1299
Email: michael.richter(at)


Innocel Lörrach

Centrally located in downtown Lörrach, the Innocel Innovation Quarter is a site community of entrepreneurs as well as young and established companies, especially those active in the fields of information technology, telecommunications, life sciences, and medical technology. The Innovation Center provides a flexible and attractive space across 4,200 sq.m. Furthermore, the directly adjacent Innovation Quarter offers innovative companies approximately 12,000 sq.m of premium commercial space.

Contact & Management
WFL Wirtschaftsförderung Lörrach GmbH
Marie-Curie-Straße 8
79539 Lörrach

Managing Director:
Marion Ziegler-Jung

Tel.: +49 (0)7621 5500-100
Fax: +49 (0)7621 5500-111
Email: ziegler-jung(at)