The BioTechPark Freiburg - an ideal location for young and established companies

BioTechPark Freiburg

BioTechPark Freiburg is an Innovation Center for young and established companies in the life sciences field, especially those specializing in biotechnology, pharmacy and medicine | medical technology (BioMed), as well as related fields such as microsystems technology.

Opened in 1998, BioTechPark is the center of BioRegion Freiburg and enjoys close ties to the University Hospital and University of Freiburg, which just so happens to be one of the oldest, most tradition-steeped universities in Germany.

The BioTechPark is supported by the Technology Foundation BioMed Freiburg, which brings together scientific, economic, and political interests while simultaneously functioning as the coordinating office of BioRegion Freiburg.

Optimal Start-Up and Working Conditions

  • 30,000 m² of space at the Innovation Center Freiburg-Nord
  • 5.000 m² of office and laboratory space for start-ups and young companies
  • On-site expansion possibilities
  • Prestigious conference and meeting facilities
  • Contacts to official authorities, credit institutions, cooperation partners, etc.
  • Close connections to the University of Freiburg, the University Hospital, independent research institutions, and the regional economic development
  • Integration into BioRegion Freiburg and the tri-national BioValley network

Location and Accessibility

With a total of 645,000 residents and 355,000 workers, the economic region of Freiburg has been shaped by its central location in Europe and the border triangle of Germany, France, and Switzerland.

Outstanding location factors include a high living standard and quality of life; a strong, dynamic economy; an international flair; and a positive, innovative environment. With an average age of 39.8 years, the University City of Freiburg with around 35.000 students at six colleges and universities is the youngest city in the state Baden-Wurttemberg.

Located in the Innovation Cluster Freiburg-Nord, which enjoys excellent connections to the A5 motorway (Frankfurt - Basel) and downtown Freiburg, BioTechPark Freiburg is neighbor to an array of successful companies and research institutions in the field of Health and Life Sciences.

The technical and natural science faculties of the University of Freiburg; the University Hospital; the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics; the five institutes of the Fraunhofer Society; and the new Hahn Schickard Institute for Microanalysis Systems are all in close proximity to BioTechPark Freiburg, as is the Messe Freiburg, which provides the entire site with a modern, representative infrastructure.

The Innovation Cluster Freiburg-Nord

Universität Freiburg – Technische Fakultät

Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
79110 Freiburg

Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

Hugstetter Straße 55
79106 Freiburg

Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik

Stübeweg 51
79108 Freiburg

Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE)

Heidenhofstraße 2
79110 Freiburg

Fraunhofer-Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik (IPM)

Heidenhofstraße 8
79110 Freiburg

Fraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik – Ernst Mach Institut (EMI)

Eckerstraße 4
79104 Freiburg

Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik (IAF)

Tullastraße 72
79108 Freiburg

Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik (IWM)

Wöhlerstraße 11
79108 Freiburg

Hahn-Schickard Institut für Mikroanalysesysteme

Georges-Köhler-Allee 103
79110 Freiburg


Breisacher Straße 84 b
79110 Freiburg

Klinik für Tumorbiologie - Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

Breisacher Str. 117
79110 Freiburg

Sutter Medizintechnik GmbH

Tullastraße 87
79108 Freiburg

Hiss Diagnostics GmbH

Tullastraße 70
79108 Freiburg

Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH

Leinenweberstraße 5
79108 Freiburg

Alcon Pharma GmbH

Blankreutestraße 1
79108 Freiburg

Sartorius CellGenix GmbH

Am Flughafen 16
79108 Freiburg

Charles River DRS Germany GmbH

Am Flughafen 12
79108 Freiburg

Komtur Pharmaceuticals GmbH & Co. KG

Am Flughafen 6
79108 Freiburg

Cytena GmbH

Cytena GmbH

Neuer Messplatz 3
79108 Freiburg


Ellen-Gottlieb-Straße 3
79106 Freiburg

KLS Martin GmbH & Co. KG

Am Flughafen 18
79108 Freiburg

Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH

Mooswaldallee 1
79108 Freiburg

TDK Micronas GmbH

Hans-Bunte-Straße 19
79108 Freiburg

Cerdia Produktions GmbH

Engesserstraße 8
79108 Freiburg



Messe Freiburg

Hermann-Mitsch-Straße 3
79108 Freiburg

BioTechPark Freiburg

Engesserstraße 4b
79108 Freiburg

Life Sciences-Industriepark

Am Flughafen 12
79108 Freiburg

Companies and Institutes at BioTechPark Freiburg | Innovation Center Nord

Anicura GmbH

The Veterinary Laboratory Freiburg enhances the health and well-being of animals offering clinical diagnostic services and support to diagnose a broad spectrum of infectious animal diseases. Our activities are focused on all aspects of parasitic and microbial infections in animals particularly on canine vector-borne diseases (CVBD), diseases of pets travelling abroad as well as gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases. To provide a rapid, accurate and reliable diagnosis of clinical infections we combine immunodiagnostic and molecular tools with traditional parasitological and microbiological methods supported by the identification of clinically relevant pathogens by MALDI-TOF MS.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 45 99 78 0  |  Mail:


BioFluidiX GmbH

BioFluidix GmbH is a micro technology company focused on low volume liquid handling. Our proprietary non-contact technologies are based on micro machined components providing highest quality, throughput and functionality. Our academic background combined with a long-standing expertise in working with liquid droplets, jets and sprays in the picoliter to nanoliter range inspired our unique product portfolio which comprises hardware and consumables as well as R&D services.

Our leading-edge printing, dispensing and coating solutions enable our customers in life-science research and industrial production to reduce volumes, increase throughput and cut costs. Being a young and innovative company we are dedicated to continuous research and development of our products and performance in order to exceed our customers' expectations in every respect.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 458938-0  |  Mail:


BioPhyto Medical

Natural Product-Based Drug Development

The term "poststantibiotic era" was coined about three decades ago when available antibiotics gradually ceased to be effective on account of the emergence of multidrug resistance in infectious microorganisms. It is a fact that human pathogens are developing increasing resistance to a broad range of available antimicrobials, thus putting into doubt the success of treatment with conventional antibiotics. It is for this very reason that the BioΦytoMedical Scientific Team is working on the development of drugs based on natural products for the treatment of infections.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 21410127  |  Mail:


BioValley Deutschland e.V

BioValley Deutschland e.V. is representing german companies in the field of Life Sciences in the BioValley upper rhine region.

It was established as a network active in the areas of science, business, economic development and transfer of technology. BioValley offers a wide range of services tailored to the needs of its members while also serving biotechnology companies intending to set up operations in the region covered by BioValley. The main objective of BioValley is the promotion of greater cooperation between companies involved in the biotechnological and biomedical sectors and the internationally respected scientific institutions associated with universities in the BioValley area.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 40 11 777  |  Mail:


ChemCon GmbH

As an independent supplier and service provider for the global pharmaceutical, bio­technological and fine chemicals industries, ChemCon has an outstanding 15-year track record of experience, quality and deliverability.

We are operating from an FDA-inspected facility in Freiburg, Germany. The company has completed over 500 projects since its inception, more than 50 of which are APIs for different phases of drug development. We are currently manufacturing for multiple active DMFs and ASMFs. Our prize-winning dedicated equipment strategy is decisive for constantly delivering unrivalled quality.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 5597-0  |  Mail:


Eurofins GeneScan GmbH

Eurofins GeneScan is recognised worldwide for its expertise and leading performance in the field of molecular biological testing for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in seed, food, feed and agricultural raw materials

The company offers the broadest portfolio of GMO testing services, testing kits and GMO related consulting worldwide. Besides GMO analyses detection of plant and animal species and residual DNA testing services for the food, feed and pharma industry, Eurofins GeneScan also offers contract projects for the development of analytical methods and custom designed testing.

Eurofins GeneScan has global presence with its network of affiliates in the USA, Brazil, China and the Netherlands as well as with further partner laboratories in Australia and South Africa. In this respect, Eurofins GeneScan is able to cover the whole agricultural value chain and offer its high quality portfolio wherever it is most efficient for clients.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 5038-100  |  Mail:


Hahn-Schickard Institute for Microanalysis Systems

Hahn-Schickard develops intelligent products with microsystems engineering – from the design stage to serial production, across all industries. The R+D service provider focuses on the areas of microsystems engineering, micro assembly technology, microanalytical systems, and information technology.

At its site in Freiburg, Hahn-Schickard develops miniaturized test systems for the point-of-care diagnostics of infectious diseases. At a pilot line for the CD-sized systems, Hahn-Schickard is able to support the product visions of its customers even more effectively – from the original idea to small production runs.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-73243  |  Mail:







Tel.: +49 (0)761 xxx  |  Mail: xxx

URL: xxx

Ionera Technologies GmbH

Ionera is a spin-off project from the University of Freiburg, Germany and was founded in 2014.

Ionera is commercializing a proprietary Multielectrode Cavity Array (MECA) technology for parallel bilayer recording.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 2853-7663  |  Mail:




Tel.: +49 (0)761 xxx  |  Mail: xxx

URL: http://www.

Reuter Chemische Apparatebau KG

RCA is dedicated to the manufacture of quality chiral substances at competitive prices. RCA's strength lies in its innovative, patented technology for separating chiral mixtures.

RCA is able to carry out both custom separations and industrial scale production and has the capacity to undertake chiral separation projects from a few kilos to multi-tonne production quantities, producing enantiomers with high chemical and optical purity at a fraction of the cost of other more conventional resolving processes. Chances that we will find a highly economic separation process for a given racemate are better than 70%. The costs for initial evaluation of a project are kept at a minimum and a response can normally be given within three weeks. The process can then be scaled-up quickly and efficiently to produce material to an agreed specification, price and delivery schedule.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 55964-60  |  Mail:


Reaction Biology Europe GmbH

Reaction Biology provides scientists worldwide with a trusted research partner supporting all phases of preclinical drug discovery. Our portfolio covers over 1,000 biochemical targets, hundreds of cell-based assays, an extensive array of in vivo oncology models, along with custom assay development and protein production. 

From our labs in the US and Germany, Reaction Biology performs research projects for customers around the globe on a fee-for-service basis and as integrated partner, and we would be delighted to support your research needs, too. Let’s discover together.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 76 99 96 0  |  Mail:



ResuSciTec GmbH

ResuSciTec is a spin-off-company from the University of Freiburg and was founded in 2010. The foundation was initiated by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. F. Beyersdorf, Medical Director of the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery of the University Heart Center Freiburg / Bad Krozingen.

The company is focussed on the research in the field of controlled reperfusion of the whole-body. Based on these results, new and improved therapeutic strategies in the treatment of patients with acute circulatory arrest may be developed.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 5577690  |  Mail:


ScreenSYS GmbH

ScreenSYS is a green biotech company. The interdisciplinary ScreenSYS team has developed a novel platform-based workflow that includes machine learning, automation, "cell-handling" expertise, and "chemical libraries" to regulate cell reprogramming. This makes it possible to produce double-haploid plants from single plant cells of different crops. These allow better exploitation of genetic diversity through efficient recognition of traits of interest to breeders and a significant shortening of the plant breeding process, which can take many years. ScreenSYS customers are plant breeders and AG biotech companies involved in breeding.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 58539996  |  Mail:



As one of the leading providers of chemical laboratory analysis in Germany, SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS has a strong reputation among manufacturers, consumers and retailers in particular with regard to the security and quality of food, beverages and consumer products.

The quality seal that has been awarded by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS for many decades is one of the most renowned certificates for high-quality products on the German market. SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS is part of the German SGS Group. SGS has been operating in Germany since 1920. At 40 offices nationwide, about 3,000 employees provide inspection, testing and verification services for all stages of the value chain to ensure more safety, more efficiency and more quality.

The SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS laboratory located in the InnovationCenter Freiburg offers testing services for food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. The personnel also specialise in the analysis and testing of flavours as well as for residues of veterinary drugs in meat products.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 214046-0  |  Mail:


Dermagnostix GmbH

Dermagnostix was founded as a spin-off from the Hahn-Schickard Institut in Freiburg, the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) and TU Munich, after decades of top-level research in dermatology, immunology, bioinformatics and microfluidics.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 xxx  |  Mail:


Straumann GmbH

Straumann is a global leader in implant and restorative dentistry and oral tissue regeneration.

Straumann entered the fast-growing field of restorative dentistry through the acquisition of etkon, an emerging force in CADCAM based tooth replacement. This makes Straumann the company in the dental sector that offers surgical, restorative and regenerative solutions- from bone augmentation and tissue regeneration, through implants an prosthetics, to individualized crowns and bridges.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 45 01-0  |  Mail:


Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

Department of Neurosurgery | Section for Neuroelectronic Systems

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich G. Hofmann



Eye Center | Experimental Ophthalmology

Head: PD Dr. med. Günther Schlunck



Eye Center | Histopathological Laboratory

Head: Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Auw-Hädrich



Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery | Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory

Head: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anke Bernstein


Senara GmbH

Senara GmbH, founded in 2022, is the first cell-cultivated milk company in Europe: Preserving food heritage through innovation.

Tel.: +49 (0)761 88660950  |  Mail: